Thursday, March 29, 2012

Accident Prone area in JM Basa St.

On the night of March 24, 2012 few clicks after 10 in the evening. off-duty EMT Trainee Mr. Valencia, an ICER OJT (on the job training) from Golden Success EMT Wilderness Training Center in Manila, was in the vicinity of Iloilo Freedom Grandstand looking for something to eat, when he witnessed a motorcycle crash in front of Jolibee J.M. Basa Branch. In his eagerness to assist, he informed ICER team members on duty, that there is a motorcycle accident in front of Jollibee J.M. Basa Branch. 

The team rushed to the scene and found three patients, one was lying in the middle of the road, while the other two were sitting on the sidewalk. Upon assessment the lying patient was found to be unresponsive, multiple abrasions were noted, and was suspected to have a spinal injury due to the mechanism of injury. The two other patients were also assessed and was noted to have sustained minor injuries from the impact, namely a suspected fracture on the right shoulder on one of the patients, and lacerations and abrasions on the leg of the other one. The three of them where riding shotgun on a motorcycle without any helmets and other means of protection. Medic 2 and Medic 3 were dispatched to transport the three patients to WVSU Medical Center in Jaro.

The above mentioned location is considered to be an accident prone area in the stretch of J.M. Basa Street.

Every year, there are multiple incidents recorded that have occurred in the same vicinity, mainly involving motorcycles, this could be roughly attributed to the nature and location of the area, wherein a mild curve breaks long stretch of straight road giving motorcycle riders a false impression that the road that they are driving on is still straight.

In the previous year, two accidents occurred in this area. One, which involved three patients who sustained severe trauma. And another, wherein the motorcycle slammed into a concrete column that resulted to mortal trauma which was later confirmed by a DOA pronouncement by the ER Physician in St. Paul's Hospital.  And lastly another motorcycle carrying three passengers crashed in the same general vicinity, the three patients sustained major trauma which led to the death of one of the patients as confirmed by a DOA pronouncement at St. Paul’s Hospital.

Motorcycle riders are time and again informed and reminded that they should always wear protective gear and helmets while cruising around the City and Hi-ways. 
(ICER-kenwood & amp; ICER 061; djgp) 

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