Wednesday, March 14, 2012

(Fall inside the jeep) Collapsed Patient in a Jeepney

A call was received at the office from Transport Management and Traffic Regulation Office(TMTRO) dispatch , reporting about a person that collapsed inside a passenger jeepney in the vicinity of corner Ledesma and Mabini Sts. The report was unclear on the cause of the patients fall. 

Medic 3 ambulance was dispatched to the scene. Upon arrival the scene, the team found the patient sitting inside the jeepney. Upon assessment, uncontrolled mood swings were noted, the patient was quite apprehensive, and was rattled at the slightest touch. As noted by the team, the patient showed cooperative behavior at certain instances, followed by erratic and annoying blabbering. Noting the patients erratic behavior he team quickly assessed the patient, noting a mild swelling in the temporal region of the head and few abrasion in the arms and forehead. The team obtained the patients vital signs and obtained a Random Blood Sugar(RBS) through CBG to rule-out hypoglycemia as the cause of the collapse. It was then confirmed as per test result, and as per the statement of the patient (on periods when she was coherent), that her collapse was possibly due to hypoglycemia, as she has not yet eaten her lunch, and had only a light meal during breakfast. She further added, that she is processing some papers and she is in a hurry.

In the middle of the assessment, the patient ran out and crossed the street. The crew was stunned by the patient reaction. The team tried to go after her, but she no longer wanted any assistance. The team having not obtained a signed refusal form, informed dispatch and the traffic aide on duty on the area, for he was the one who called for ambulance assistance, to inform him of the action of the patient.
(ICER-061; djgp)


  1. I would like to clarify on this one. "CBG is to check if the patient blood sugar if decrease due to she fall."

    besides from the grammar. please double check the purpose of checking for the capillary blood glucose or CBG. thank you.

  2. and i would like to quote:

    "She show signs of changing modes."

    - what do you mean? Modes of what? mode of transportation?

  3. All i can say....

    The End does not justify the means, you get my point?

  4. i can't understand the sentence could you please make a correct sentence and correct grammar.. thank you

  5. I would suggest not to state diagnosis when assessing patients, even though they are just a 'must be' or assumptions. It could mislead your reader into assuming that your assumptions are correct. Just be careful with what you testify online.

  6. "The patient has swelling in the temporal lobe and no other injuries from the fall."

    Please justify how you where able to see the temporal lobe. You may describe it as 'temporal area'. It may grant an impression that you have done pseudo-surgical impression during those times.

  7. It would be best if we state more of what we have observed or assessed during the intervention rather than to jump into conclusions knowing that there are no pertinent data in your blog that could suggest that proper assessment where made to assume that the patient really is a psych patient. If you think what you saw really justified the criteria of a bipolar patient, then better jot it down to your blog as not to leave readers hanging of so little information towards the point of assumption. We must be very careful with this.

  8. I totally agree to all of the comments made. whoever the person who wrote this should be more sensitive about the information he is stating and not just jump into conclusion. please check all the information that you have is actually correct and true. i can't even understand the sentences, thus can't understand the whole story, thanks to the title. But, the blog gave me all the wrong idea of CORRECT ASSESSMENT just by looking at the words that were used... "The crew notice the patient MUST be a BI-POLAR PSYCH" did you actually diagnosed the said patient? there is no simple physiological test to confirm the disorder, and diagnosing such often is difficult. WHAT IS ACTUALLY THE PURPOSE OF THIS? reading your last two sentences.

  9. There is still room for improvement. Agree din ako sa mga nag comment. Pero lets continue to learn lang po siguro. Improvement is just around the corner. I admire po ang nature ng blog. Very informative. Keep it up & never cease to improve!

    1. Yes, there is always a room for improvement but it is not wrong to ask help or second opinion to those whom we know could help us in stuffs like this. Let's not assume things.
      blogs were okay, no one can stop that. It is your right to show your freedom of expression in many different ways. BUT PLEASE! CORRECT AND FACTUAL INFORMATIONS!

  10. what a shame!
    i cant understand the grammar.

  11. I would like to remind everyone especially the BLOGGER, that this is a public locus... and that any one can scan, read and leave comments. So, as part of the IMPROVEMENT that you are referring... I am suggesting that you asks second opinion and/ or let someone who is highly capable of writing a good journal to help you. It is very disreputable to think that you are expending the name of the office, and yet your articles are shabby. You may take these comments against you but before that, please be meticulous the next time you publish another "article". Thank you!

  12. the article was probably done in a hurry, as the sentence construction is quite jumbled and borders on incoherence, the blogger could really need some help in proof reading and final review before final posting
