Thursday, May 17, 2012

Trauma at Muelle Loney

A trauma patient was brought at the back of Freedom Grandstand by his folks from Muelle Loney St., City proper at around 8:30pm last April 28, 2012.The patient with its folks arrived at Peralta St. at the Back of Freedom Grandstand where the ICER headquarters located. One of the folks then called for an emergency assistance at the Iloilo City Emergency Responders. First responder found the patient besides the Street sitting at the gutter beside a motor cycle with its legs bleeding. At first look, it was thought to be a motorcycle accident but according to the folks, the patient suffered its injury caused by stepping on a broken bottle of whisky. The first responder then requested for a Remote Area Lighting System (RALS) on the scene to add light. RALS is one of ICER’s very important equipment used to provide Lighting on dark remote areas. During assessment the team found the patient’s injury to be a laceration of about 2 to 3 inches long on the patients left foot. After dressing the wound of the patient, the wound is continuously bleeding so the team packed the wound with elastic bandage and decided to take the patient to the hospital. (036)

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